Budget Tracker

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This was a group project with myself and three others. It was my second project and was designed as a command line program. My team and I created this to automate a payment schedule and record expenses to excel ready CSV files for our class food budget. My work on this program was to handle the recording of the date when the user logged in, saving the data to the CSV files, creating the file containing the collection of users, and recording the expenses to the date decided by the user and adjusting the balance.

D&D Character Creator

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This project was the first one I ever made. I've learned a lot about coding since this project. My team and I designed this command line project to implement our understanding of lists and dictionaries in Python. We created this project to guide and expedite the creation of a D&D character. This program has a large collection of data for the customization of the character. I worked on the random number generator, as well as applying all of the modifiers to the character based on the selections made during character creation.

Cake Shop

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This is a project I worked on by myself. This was the first full Django application I created. The website has two functions. First it allows customers to view a menu and place orders for themselves. Second it allows the manager of the website to edit the menu, view all orders, and manage customers. During creating this website I learned how to manage data using a PostgreSQL database. I also learned how to verify usernames and passwords using models and take inputs for images that will be saved to the database.

Car Api

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This was my second project using Java and the first time I created an app using Springboot. This app creates a RestfulApi that you can visit in a url once ran to view and edit a JsonObject. The app has three data points that are associated with each other: vehicle, owner, and maintenance records. At this point I had become more comfortable calling APIs and managing a larger application size.

Stock Market App

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This was a project I worked on by myself.This application is run on Java before I learned Springboot. It allows the user to search stocks by name and returns weekly time series data displaying prices for that stock. The app allows the user to save stock to their account and saves the price upon doing so to view trends and see if the stock goes up or down. I used several of AlphaVantage's API endpoints to verify my stock data. I used the API to get the price and also cross reference the stock to another endpoint to verify the stock is still valid.

Custom Business Cards

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This was a group project. This website allows the user to create custom business cards based off of our collection of templates. I was responsible for the Backend. My responsibilities also included creating the login and registration as well as creating most of the html pages and views for the base site. I designed the site to allow the user to create a business and contact information for that business. During this project I became more familiar with Middleware and how to pass data to and from Forms.